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Self-Publishing Advice & Inspirations

Jul 7, 2023

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: creating superfans. Studies suggest that readers must read 4.5 books on average from the same author before they even remember their name. But that’s without author intervention. Use a few tricks, and you can engage fans far earlier in the process.

In this episode, ALLi...

Jun 9, 2023

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: writing a series. Oscar Wilde, Emily Brontë, and Silvia Plath only wrote one book. History tells us it’s possible to “make it” with just one title, but is that still true today?

Generally, no. It can happen, but most modern authors need a series for a range of...

May 5, 2023

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: building a mailing list. Book marketing is an overwhelming topic. From Facebook to Amazon ads to blog tours and physical events—the possibilities can seem endless and ever-changing. But most authors agree that one marketing method remains constant: email.

Learn how to...

Mar 31, 2023

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: launching reviews. Selling books can be a tough gig for authors who are yet to attract an audience. When you’re unknown, you need reviews to get sales. But you also need sales to get reviews. Thankfully, there are ways to break out of this vicious cycle.

In this episode,...

Mar 10, 2023

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: soft launching a book. Thanks to movies and a narrative perpetuated by trade publishers, debut authors fixate on big book launches, characterized by perfection and fanfare. The reality, however, is that many experienced authors stagger book launches, choosing not to fire all...