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Self-Publishing with ALLi

Oct 30, 2020

Joining Orna Ross in this month's #AskALLi Self-Publishing Poetry Salon is Jon Davis, Bookfox's Poetry Editor and author of five chapbooks and six full-length poetry collections.

Jon received the Lavan Prize from the Academy of American Poets, a GE Younger Writers Award, the Off the Grid Poetry Prize, and two National...

Oct 25, 2020

My guest this week is Michael Sean Comerford, who spent the first part of his career as a journalist, moving from town to town. Turned out, life on the road was perfect preparation for what came after his newspaper career, which was writing a book about carnival workers. He traveled with them, worked with them, talked...

Oct 23, 2020

In this session, ALLi Director Orna Ross and author Sacha Black talk about lessons learned about current trends in self-publishing fiction and nonfiction from taking part in two key indie author events that are just over, the Self-Publishing Advice Conference (SelfPubCon) and Amazon UK’s Storyteller Award.


Oct 18, 2020

My guest this week is Mytrae Meliana, whose story is both painful and beautiful. She came to the United States from India as a teenager, and not only faced prejudice from the outside, but also, within her own family, a culture that left few choices for women. After years of emotional and physical abuse, Mytrae at last...

Oct 17, 2020

Orna Ross interviews Dan Holloway on creativity.

Self-Publishing Advice Conference October 2020